At Fortress we gather around Christ and His gifts--forgiveness, life, and salvation. Comforted and strengthened by His promises, we are formed into a community in which we and others in our city may find refuge.
Attending a new church can be intimidating. So, we are thankful you would consider visiting us. At Fortress, you will find a small but growing community of various generations who do not take ourselves too seriously. We hope to be welcoming to our visitors without being overwhelming.
We gather in a building that was previously several other businesses, so we are still slowly renovating the space to better suit our needs. Our 10 AM service combines classic elements of Lutheran worship with modern versions of hymns and praise songs that fit our confession of faith. We may not take ourselves too seriously, but we do take Jesus and His Word seriously. We hope that comes across in our approach to worship. We invite you to participate in as much as you feel comfortable.
A small group of believers began gathering in the living room of Pastor Gerry Harrow and his wife Sara in late 2017 with the intention of launching a new congregation that would focus on ministering to Harker Heights, the town right next to Killeen and Fort Cavazos. Initially supported by two other LCMS congregations in the area, Fortress acquired property and a building in which to gather and officially chartered in November 2018.
By Godโs grace, we will continue to make and form disciples who are committed to being lifelong learners of Godโs Word as we participate in Jesusโ mission to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. In the near future, this means continuing to serve the faithful of our congregation with Word and Sacrament ministry, reaching out to those who are disconnected from Jesus and His Church, and using our resources to bless and serve the people in our city with the Word of the Gospel and with the care of Christ.
It means that there is a community of people in Harker Heights that are committed to following Jesus together and you are welcome to join. Come gather around Jesus and His gifts. Come find refuge in the God who invites you to lay hold of His unfailing promises. Come hear that the Gospel, the good news of Jesus, is always better than you think.
Whether you are looking to join a church or passing through temporarily, whether you are born and raised Christian or lifelong skeptic, you are welcome to come check us out and prayerfully consider following Jesus with this community.